SES on air date/time May, 10, 2019 on 09:00 to 22:00 UTC and May 11, 2019 on 09:00 to 22:00 UTC
Low Bands Phone SSB Mode in 80 meter band frequency (3.870 MHz)
Low Bands Phone SSB Mode in 40 meter band frequency (7.125 MHz)
VHF Phone FM Mode in 2 MB frequency (145.350 MHz) May, 11, 2019 on 11:00 UTC to the end (One day only)
Reporting , your Callsign and Congratulation Massages are needed for valid contact !
Sending your QSL card is NO NEEDED just download your Beautiful Thank Card from our Major City of Gianyar at our website : http://www.orarilokalgianyar.org
but if U want to send ur private QSL card to us it's welcomed and we'll apreciate for our special archive
The Team 8G248G
QSL: P.O. Box 535, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia 80500