Paolo Corsetti, IK3GER is an Italian Ham who lives in Mestre which is part of the town of Venice. Paolo has just released the 2018 “Calling Antarctica Award” to be issued at the end of the Antarctic Activity Week.
Paolo wrote: Every year, in the month of February, a special activity called “Antarctic Activity Week” takes place. This year, the 15th AAW will be held from February 17 to 25.
All WAP (Worldwide Antarctic Program) stations have a special WAP reference number that will be given during the QSO.
The diploma is issued in 2 classes to OM/SWL:
a) “Basic” for at least 5 QSO/HRD with different calls, b) “First Class” for 10 or more QSO/HRD with different calls.
Only QSO/HRD made between February 17th and 25th, 2018 are valid for this diploma. QSL cards are not needed. Endorsement is available for mode only (CW, SSB, Mixed, various digimodes) The Award is free, and will be sent to you via email as a PDF (JPG on request). WAP reference of the station worked is mandatory in your application
Send your application via email or ask for more information to the Award Manager IK3GER at:
TNX Paolo, IK3GER (