The special event station of the Local Branch in Łódź of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (ŁOT PZK OT-15) operating on the occasion of organising of the 34th World Youth Day.
World Youth Day (WYD) is a Catholic event for youth celebrated on Palm Sunday each year at the diocesan level, and every few years at an international location. It was founded by St John Paul II in 1984, and has since spanned generations of pilgrims.
World Youth Day is more than just a meeting drawing thousands or even millions of young people. WYD is a testimony of a living Church that is continually being renewed. Youth are the protagonists of this meeting of faith, hope and unity. The main goal of WYD is to let youth know about the message of Jesus Christ, in the context of a joyful meeting of the Pope, young people and leaders of the Church. It is also true that through young people of faith the young ‘face’ of Jesus is shown to the world.