Welcome to the amateur radio diploma programme exclusively for the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the State of Lithuania. To celebrate the Centennial of the restored Lithuania, Lithuanian amateur radio society (www.lrmd.lt) will support special activity on the air with dedicated callsigns LY100A-LY100Z throughout the month of February, 2018.
Special PDF diplomas will be issued for amateur radio operators who will work at least 10 commemorative special callsigns from the range of LY100A-LY100Z. To collect the electronic diploma, please send a free-form e-mail to hq@lrmd.lt with the callsign which is eligible for the award. Printed diplomas might be available upon request.
Additionally, special commemorative souvenirs from the Seimas of Lithuania will be available for the most active stations for the highest number of QSO's with different LY100 callsigns in different bands and modes. Five different stations from LY, Europe and world will be eligible for this award.
Station operators