Welcome to OE 100 OE
Special event callsign
"The centenary of the founding of the Republic of Austria"
Memorial year 2018
The callsign will be on-air on these dates:
16.October 2018
21.October 2018
31.October 2018
03.November 2018
12.November 2018
Depending on propagation the callsign will mainly work on 40m/20m/15m, but
also 2m and higher can be served. Watch out!
QSL-Cards: Every date will have it´s special qsl-card showing its historic connection.
You don´t need to reply with your card!
Why these dates - what´s that for?
The dates for OE100OE are dates that have a direct historic connex
QSL: ONLY via buro! (sending) PSE do not reply!