Our special callsign SF50CG will be active between January 1 and December 31 2019.
We, SM5AKP and SM0BYD, with our buddy Pelle and SM5XD (96 and licensed in 1946 with his first QSO on Dec. 12
that year) as our guest, will be at SK5CG again December 29 until January 2 2019, for relaxing and working on our
L antenna for 160M, as we finally, after waiting for 2 1/2 weeks for the delivery of our RG-213 coax cable, received it.
Consequently = patience... Antenna work will commence during the weekend.
January 1 2019, we will begin operating with our special anniversary callsign SF50CG, until December 31 2019.
New QSLs will be printed, with the same image as on SK5CG but, with added info.
If you hear us on the bands, PLEASE give us a call! THANK YOU!
Come early fall, we are planning to get all the blind / seeing impaired Hams in Sweden, together for
a weekend together at SK5CG/SF50CG, to have fun on and off air.
/ On behalf of SF50CG and SK5CG, 161/Hans SM0BYD