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TM1MOON, first man on MOON

Writer's picture: Mr TelegraphMr Telegraph

In celebration of the first man on MOON  on 20 july 1969 this callsign is choose . It will be active on :

4 to 5 may 2019 (spring VHF-SHF Contest)

8 to 9 june 2019 (French DDFM 50MHz)

15 to 16 june 2019 (50MHz IARU)

6 to 7 july 2019 (high point VHF-SHF Contest)

13 to 14 july 2019 (HF IARU)

19 to 21 july 2019 (QRP VHF-SHF Contest) and Dday of anniversary.

7 to 8 september 2019 (VHF IARU)

we will be active on EME 5.7GHz with a 13m dish on 5 may , 9 june , 7 july.

we plan to be active on all HF Bands, 50MHz, VHF, UHF, 10 GHz, Satellites, and Oscar 100 during all of this periods. 

This callsign will be activate by ARACA22 who is the Departement 22 Ham radio Association in cooperation with F6KBO and F4KJM club stations .

" Association des Radioamateurs des Cotes d'Armor 22 ".

73 to all and please to meet you on Frequency !


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