Local operators will be using Special Event Callsign XB3E as well as their own for the YARC Winter QSO Party.
Contesting Period:
Begins: 2018-12-01 at 14:00 UTC
Ends: 2018-12-02 at 02:59 UTC
YARC is the Young Amateurs Radio Club, an international youth group that encourages the adoption and use of amateur radio amongst youth across the globe. The YARC winter QSO Party is sponsored by HamStudy, and has over $625 in prizes available to winners. Find out more at https://yarc.world/events/contests/2018/09/18/winter-qso-party-2018/
Bands: 20m,40m,10m,2m,70cm
Modes: CW, SSB Voice
Power: 1500w 40m SSB Voice, 500w 40m CW, 500w SSB 20m, 50w 2m FM/SSB, 50w 70cm FM/SSB, 150w 10m, 5w CW, 15w 40m SSB.
Will focus on: Europe, Cuba, Canada, Brazil, Venezuela, Japan, United States of America
If you want a paper QSL please email for details on how to obtain one.